It seems like our coconut was waiting for Daddy. Since he came home the beginning of February she started rolling over regularly and as of a little over a week ago she has been crawling. She is starting to be all over the place. She even tries to chase, though unuccessfully, Maxim. I crudely weighed her on our scale and she seems to be about 13.5lbs.
Max is slowly becoming more vocal though when he says little phrases it still surprises us. He will occasionally say new words. He is picking up signing pretty fast now. So we can get him to sign please and thank you. Because of this we are going to try to potty train him with signing. He is showing lots of signs that his body is ready. We'll give it a try. Hopefully it all goes well. We also signed him up for swim lessons so we'll see how that goes.
We had a great time on our vacation this month to New Orleans. We have gone to zoos alot this month as well as children's museums and it is great to see Max getting old enough to really get excited and interact. Before we know it we'll have two toddlers that are excited about these activities.