Saturday, May 26, 2012

Disposable Diapers :(

I'm sure this is going to be a shock, but Max is wearing disposable diapers temporarily. He developed a diaper rash/small infection when he was wearing the diaper liners with the cloth. The liners were something we only used when we don't have the diaper sprayer available. They are a think disposable liner so that the poo can be easily flushed. Well we noticed that the liners also seemed to really stick to his bottom and so that probably was the initial cause of this. At his 12 month well baby check the doctor prescribed us some cream to help. Also said to make sure he is able to "breathe" down there. We continued using the cloth diapers, and it seemed to be improving somewhat but then it also seemed like new spots were appearing. It's possible that the diapers need to be "super washed" to make sure whatever might be causing this is washed out fully. Also maybe his diapers just aren't letting him "breathe" enough. So we made the decision to switch to disposable diapers temporarily, until this is all cleared up. Hopefully it won't be too long. We don't like the disposables, they're expensive and not nearly as cute. Hopefully we will be back in cloth diapers as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Starting to Settle In

We are coming up on 3 weeks in Georgia. We arrived on May 3rd and Max did wonderfully on the trip. He slept the majority of both flights. We got to the hotel and ate dinner then drove around looking at the houses we were going to tour the next day. We wanted to get a feel for the neighborhoods to see if maybe we could cross off some of the houses. There was some that we decided to cross off. That night I actually feel asleep before Max. Matthew actually went back online and found some more houses to visit that night.

The morning of the 4th we got up and spent all morning going from house to house. Many of the houses were pretty disgusting inside with cobwebs, piles of trash and dead bugs. We did manage to find the house right for us and on a .75acre lot that made Matthew pretty happy. We were glad to sign the lease that afternoon. We could now focus on other things like a new vehicle.

We were anxious to get out of our rental car but first Matthew needed to find his new truck. We gave ourselves a week and hoped not to have to need the rental car longer. But since this was something Matthew was very on top of  and very excited about we returned the rental early. He now is the very proud owner of a GMC Sierra 1500.

For the last 3 weeks we have been living off of things we were able to get at the loan closet on base. We were able to get a high chair, a couple of baby gates (though our openings are bigger than standard doorways so they don't really work like planned), kitchen supplies, and 3 mats(their last air mattress popped), and we bought a folding table and chairs.

Matthew being anxious about getting the car and hhg shipment has been calling to get updates weekly. We are happy to be making a trip this weekend to Charleston to pick up the car. Last night we got a call from the movers saying that they could deliver our hhg on Friday. Though we were excited we asked if it could be delayed until Tuesday. It will be very nice to have furniture again and my vehicle. Though I'm sure Max will miss his freedom to roam the house.

Matthew this week is checking in to the boat but on this boat there is about a week worth of training to complete before going to the boat. Luckily we were able to get Max an appointment before he went back to work so he could go and meet the new doctor. My first doctor's appointment is next Wednesday. I am amazed at how quickly things happen here. I don't have to call 4 weeks ahead to get an appointment and so far visiting city offices has taken forever.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last Hawaiian Night

Tonight is my last night in Hawaii, and it is a little bitter sweet. I am very excited to get back to the mainland, closer to family and all. But at the same time we have made some pretty good friends here in Hawaii. Also this is the first place we have lived as a family. The first house we lived in together is here, next door to possibly the greatest neighbors we will ever have. In some ways I hate to be leaving. But this is apart of the military life. If we stayed eventually all of our friends would be moving away from us, it is simply unavoidable. So the best thing we can do is keep in touch, hope we meet again someday and keep on moving. The most important thing is that we arede together as a family. Tomorrow we start the next chapter,
Which will start with a very. Exciting plane ride with a teething 11 month old!