Merry Christmas Max!
Today was Max's first Christmas. He woke up at 7 am and was ready to start the day. I fed him a bottle and then we went straight for some presents! He got 5 new cloth diapers! He was very excited about them. He got a "math geek" diaper, it is covered in math equations. He also got a dinosaur diaper, robot and more! He also got many books, we hope he enjoys reading. He also got a neat Story Buddy from Hallmark. Watson is a stuffed raccoon and responds to certain parts of the stories as you read them.
This was an awesome Christmas. Max was very happy all day long. We played on the floor for a long time. He seemed to enjoy his new rubber ducks the most.
For dinner we had Lamb, carrot souffle and biscuits. And for dessert a chocolate pecan pie.
It was a good Christmas, could only have been better if we lived closer to family. Well and if it was a little colder with snow. Christmas in Hawaii, feels a little funny.